fredag den 7. januar 2011


A Chapati is an unleavened bred made from chapati flour, a ground wholemeal flour known as atta, which is finer than the Western equivalent. An equal quantity of standard wholemeal flour and plain flour will aslo produce satisfactory results, although chapati flour is available from Indian grocers. This is the everyday bread of the Indian home.


Makes 8-10

225 g chapati flour
½ tsp salt
175 ml water

1. Place the flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle and gradually stir in the water, mixing well with your fingers. Form a supple dough and knead for 7-10 minutes. Ideally, cover with clear film (plastic wrap) and leave on one side for 15-20 minutes to rest.

2. Divide the dough into 8-10 equal portions. Roll out each piece to a circle on a well-floured surface.

3. Place a tava (chapati griddle) or heavy frying pan over a high heat. When steam rises from it, lower the heat to medium and add the first chapati to the pan.

4. When the chapati begins to bubble, turn it over. Press down with a clean dishtowel or a flat spoon and turn once again. Remove the cooked chapati from the pan and keep warm in a piece of foil lined with kitchen paper while you cook the other chapatis. Repeat the process until all breads are cooked. Serve hot.

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